Health Literacy

A Short Course for a Big Health Impact

Nearly half the adults in England (43%) struggle to read and understand health information. When that information includes word and numbers, that rises to 61%.   

This means important details, such as how to take medicines and dosage, understanding appointment letters and test results can be missed – and not everyone feels confident to say when they don’t understand. 

Better presentation of information and some simple communication techniques can really help people to make better informed choices about their care and treatment. 

Aimed at everyone working or studying in health and care, Health Education England has developed a free, 35 minute, online health literacy course. Designed for people who work regularly with patients, families and carers. These are helpful skills for healthcare teams in both primary and secondary care, for clinical teams and those who work with them including social prescribers.   

The course can help staff and students quickly learn easy-to-use techniques to improve communication, supporting the understanding of the people they treat and care for. As a result, patients, families and carers will be able to make better health and wellbeing choices.  

Anyone can sign up for the course, hosted on the NHS e-learning for healthcare platform – there is a simple registration process and once completed you will be able to access the free course quickly and easily. 

Report on Health Literacy in Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust Locations

Much of the geographical area covered by CWPT is more health literate than the UK average (especially in Warwickshire). HOWEVER, the areas in which the Trust has the greatest concentration of sites (Coventry and Nuneaton), health literacy is significantly below the UK average.

In Coventry, it is estimated that there are more people who struggle to understand written and numerical health information – 66%, compared to the UK national average of 61%. There are more CWPT sites in the Coventry and Nuneaton regions, which also have the lowest health literacy rates. The report includes information surrounding the four key factors associated with health literacy, including level of education, socioeconomic deprivation, disability, and ethnic groups, focusing on the CWPT locations specifically. This aims to identify areas which might benefit from measures to improve health literacy.

Wellbeing Resources for Patients and the Public

This leaflet provides information on a range of online resources to help
boost your wellbeing. They include YouTube clips, audio guides and apps.
All are free to view or download.
This leaflet provides information on a number of trustworthy
health information resources, including links to the relevant websites

Accessible and Easy Read Resources

Co-designed with people with a learning disability and autistic people in collaboration with IC Works and funded by Health Education England, 2022.
Co-designed with people with a learning
disability and autistic people in collaboration
with IC Works and funded by Health
Education England, 2022.
Mencap Health Guides
Mencap website has been designed, developed and tested alongside people with a learning disability, their parents, carers and family members.