Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Executive Summary

From April 2023 – March 2024, the Library and Knowledge Service (LKS) continued hybrid working, with in person and remote meetings, training and service delivery.

Throughout this period, we kept the core values of the NHS, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust and the LKS at the heart of our decision making. Namely, the need to provide quality care to patients with respect, dignity and compassion by ‘delivering the right resources, to the right people at the right time’ (Library Charter). This aligns with the Trust’s vision of creating ‘an innovative, forward-thinking, and inclusive teaching organisation, enabling us to provide consistently high quality, safe, and compassionate care’.

We also used the HEE Quality and Improvement Outcomes Framework as a continual benchmark to ensure our service was underpinned by best practice and delivered clinical excellence at all times.

Section 1, ‘Our library sites and staff’, gives current status of the team and library areas.

Section 2, ‘How we deliver our services’, sets out the guiding principles that sit at the core of our service and underpin our work on a daily basis.

Section 3, ‘Values and Strategy’, gives the core values that interconnect NHS, Trust and Library values, which in turn feed into the library core strategy.

Section 4, ‘Key areas of activity’, highlights specific developments the service underwent, as well as ongoing activity over the course of the year. Training and outreach activity is also highlighted as an important part of the service.

Staff shortages are explained in Section 5 ‘Our Team, and the impact it has had on what the team can achieve and develop. Staff CPD is also highlighted.

The positive impact and value of the LKS on delivering clinical and non-clinical excellence and evidence-based support for patient care, service development, research and continued professional development is demonstrated in Section 6, ‘Quality Standards and Performance’. This includes feedback, as well as information on how our literature search service informed Trust activities and research. These highlight the LKS’s role in mobilising high-quality evidence and knowledge and ultimately improving our patients’ experience.

Section 7, ‘Priorities and Developments for 2024-2025’, discusses opportunities and aspirations for the LKS over the coming year and identifies areas for continued improvement and adaptation.

Finally, in the Appendix, a membership breakdown by staff group is presented.

‘NHS bodies, their staff, learners, patients and the public use the right knowledge and evidence, at the right time, in the right place, enabling high quality decision-making, learning, research and innovation, to achieve excellent healthcare and health improvement.’ (Health Education England)1

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